K-Pop In My Head
Korean Celebrity in my Neighborhood Crown J(ewel) He currently resides in my city, ATL. He was raised here but left for college, the Korean army and his career. Low and behold his career has led him back to the Atl where he is building his fame. I found his Youtube page about a good 8 months ago. He keeps it updated especially now that he's getting closer to his upcoming cd and video release. His new video "I'm Good" ft. Young Dro is coming soon. I wrote all this just to share this pic with my blasian supporters. :D This is a clip from his new video. I have to support him since he's a Korean celeb that lives in my city and all :D On to the Next One: So while watching this vid all I could do was hate. lol Once I realized what I was doing I wondered why I disliked them so much. At first I avoided Girl Generation (SNSD) because it was too bubbly but I soon came to like the song Gee :o Then I ran across an article about one of the girls (Taeye...