Love It or Leave It: Film Reviews 4

I meant to post this in January but things happened and here we are in February. (Happy Feb. btw) lol Atleast it's up now. Instead of using stars to rate I use ♥ (hearts) meaning I love it and to represent leave it I chose this symbol: ☞ (pointing hand). MegaMind I was really apprehensive about this film but after watching it I tell you if you love a good comedy you're going to love this. I was cracking up at almost every scene. The leading blue man also known as MegaMind leads a life of crime and all around badness. His opponent: Metro Man, The Good Guy, has been his rival since their wee years. As battles ensue the fight between good and evil wages on deeper than expected. There a lot of funny action movies out but there are few that are able to tell a good story and be unpredictable at the same time. This film is going in for the classics. I was also surprised at how awesome the graphics were. Not as great as Avatar but you can see...