Dear Future Husband (Open Letter)

(This is my babe's Christmas present) "Love is patient..." ( Corinthians 13 ) In a world where everything is wanted and provided in an instant you should know that some things in life are worth the wait. Since infancy we were betrothed in the eyes of the Lord. He made you for me and me for you. He sees us as we are maturing and with every passing day brings us closer together. He knows you inside and out, your weaknesses and strengths and chose you as a spouse for me. He knows my personality and still chose to make me for you. (lol) I tried to change my personality several times but I guess this is just the way God made me. I'm learning to accept it and grow and I pray you do too. God knows us entirely and created us the way we are on purpose and for a purpose. He knows how our personalities will work with one another and has destined us for each other wisely. I don't know why and I'm anxiously awaiting the time(s) I discover the reason(s) the Lord has ...