Cussin' Christians
Recently I found myself swearing when something didn't go my way, while quoting a movie or singing. Every time I'd apologize to the Lord for letting obscene talk come from my mouth. I use to have more control in not letting such words slip out. When it started happening frequently I got concerned and asked the Lord why are these words coming out of my mouth. In my quiet time with the Lord it became obvious to me the reason. The reason I find myself swearing is because I've let the world comfort my senses. I've been indulging in films and music that contained profanity with the thought that I could be immune to it infiltrating my mind. I should've known better seeing as though I can remember almost every word from songs in my childhood and so it would not be a problem for these words to seep into my brain. I guess I thought myself above the verses... "The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil t...