Another One... Anton Yelchin
I fell for his acting chops in the movie Odd Thomas. It was a strange and very cool film about a boy who could see the dead. I recommend it for those who love a good mystery movie.
My father is a Star Trek fan and thought Anton did a great job as the reboot Chekov however I didn't really pay attention as a kid to the original Chekov I was too busy being mesmerized by the OG Spock. However as an adult I can't disassociate Yelchin from his role as Chekov and is forever in my mind as Pavel Andreievich Chekov navigator of the U.S.S. Enterprise.
The first movie I saw him in was Fright Night the 2011 remake while it was not as good as the first one I still enjoyed it and was thoroughly entertained with his version of Charley Brewster.
I really liked his films and I hope we never forget the talent he brought to the screen. I think he would've done an awesome job as Ray Peterson in 'The Burbs'. How about you?
From the few movies I've seen him in (which includes all the Star Treks) he constantly plays the guy who will do whatever it takes to protect the ones he loves and the boy who can never die. It comes as a shock to realize that it doesn't ring true in real life. Oh how I wish he were still with us. It's a completely selfish reason but I don't think he'd mind it too much.
I don't know where he went. I don't know what he believed that's why I don't say rest in peace because I'm not sure if that's true for that person. I believe the Bible when it says your soul lives on even if your physical body dies. I hope he went to Heaven but there are plenty of "good" people who go to Hell because they refuse to trust Christ Jesus with their life. Let his life be a wake up call for those who are waiting till they get old to "get right with the Lord". Don't wait. You never know when your last day will be either.
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